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Advice column aficionados Han and Matt re-answer the greatest questions from other advice columns and podcasts as well as fielding new questions with a little help from their cats.

Learn more at Han and Matt Know It All Dot Com.

Nov 29, 2017

This week's Overflow features THREE new (to us) advice columns that we recommend checking out, a very special Magic card, a lovely listener letter, and a question about cats. Let's do this thing!

  1. Ask Bear is Back;
  2. Friendshipping! Podcast Is Great;
  3. Social Q's Kids Section Is a...

Nov 27, 2017

For the Monday episode, Hannah and Matt interviewed New York Times Best Selling author Sarah Knight, the anti-guru author of self-help instant classics The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck, Get Your Sh*t Together, and the recently released You Do You, the third in the "No F*cks Given Guide." We discuss three...

Nov 22, 2017

Dear Listeners,

We've gone and done the thing! We're now on Patreon, where you can pledge monthly donations to help support the work that we do on the podcast, which can get you so many exclusive rewards, including (but not limited to):

  • A Matt-generated Magic the Gathering card of your badass alter-ego (Common...

Nov 20, 2017

Hannah and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of November 12th, 2017, and beyond, including:

  1. Ask a Manager: "My Husband Doesn’t Want Me to Go on a Business Trip to Vegas" + Update;
  2. Dear Prudence: "My Sister Lied to Me About Why She Needed to Borrow $1000 and I'm Not Sure I...

Nov 15, 2017

This week's Overflow is bursting with love! Seriously, y'all sent us a tremendous amount of emails the prior week, and we're blown away by it. You're wonderful! Here's some of what you sent us:

  1. Stinky Couch Guesses;