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Advice column aficionados Han and Matt re-answer the greatest questions from other advice columns and podcasts as well as fielding new questions with a little help from their cats.

Learn more at Han and Matt Know It All Dot Com.

Sep 26, 2018

Han and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of September 16th, 2018, and beyond, including:

  1. Dear Prudence: "My Boyfriend Thinks I'm Not Trying Hard Enough to Orgasm From Vaginal Penetration Alone"
  2. Ask a Manager: "my coworker gives everyone the silent treatment for weeks"
  3. Ask...

Sep 19, 2018

Han and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of September 9th, 2018, and beyond, including:

  1. Ask a Manager: "my office has a mandatory feelings chart"
  2. The Ethicist: "What Should I Do...

Sep 12, 2018

Han and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of September 2nd, 2018, and beyond, including:

  1. BONUS: Opinion Overflow LIVE!
  2. Ask a Manager: "HR wants our personal cell numbers in our out-of-office messages so we can always be contacted"

Sep 5, 2018

Han and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of August 26th, 2018, and beyond, including:

  1. Ask a Manager: "our CEO challenged someone to eat dead bugs"
  2. Ask a Queer Chick: "How Do I...